Prayer and Action – Hope for the Journey Podcast, Episode 56

Prayer and Action: Leaving the 99 in search of the 1 — Welcome to the Hope for the Journey Podcast.

Prayer is necessary to the Christian life. One may say that it is a part of the lifeblood to abide in Christ. For how can you develop a relationship with a person, the Person (specifically our Lord), without true and open communication with him?

Hosts this week:

We all have a story to tell. Testimonies are our stories of God’s greatness in our lives. The HFTJ guys talk about the power of testimonies.


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Special thanks to Newsong for their use of their song, “Faithful” (Amazon, iTunes)

Photo by Ad Heijmans via Flickr

Hope for the Journey
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Prayer and Action: Leaving the 99 in search of the 1 — Welcome to the Hope for

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Prayer and Action: Leaving the 99 in search of the 1 — Welcome to the Hope for