Chewy Approved Podcast: The Blarrrggg 2


Arrrghhh! Hello again!

On this edition of the Blarrggg I will be talking about the Regular Reformed Guys who have an excellent interview with Matt Slick. Then, we will move to the Grace Alone Pod and talk about their excellent interview with Calvinist Batman… Or as I call him Bats! After that, I will give a short shout out to the Reformed Pubcast because they nailed their first live show! And, we will talk Bats and his interview with the one and only James White. To finish, I will shout out to After the Sermon!

Now that I have told you the entirety of this Blarrggg, you will probably move on to your next excellent Theology Mix post… But wait… Arrrghhh…. Don’t go… I have more to say! And we begin! Yarrrghhhh!

Regular Reformed Guys

Regular Reformed Podcast: 10: A Slick Podcast

regular-ref-podcastIn this excellent EP, the Guys meet up with Matt Slick from and talk Apologetics!

This EP is excellent! Yarrrghhhh! I enjoyed hearing the history of Matt Slick’s ministry and the start of his website and how it eventually became his full time ministry… You know, that God uses small things like that to expand his Kingdom and uses them to encourage and build up the Church. Something, I am assuming, was not what Matt originally intended it to become. That is pretty encouraging and Arrghhh awesome to hear about. They talk a lot about unity in the church, which is a big push on this podcast! Which is awesome! Arrrghhh all about dat unity! They also spend a good deal of time talking atheism! All and all an excellent pod worth listening too! I enjoy the conversation and also the jabs they take at each other on the whole Creedo vs. Paedo debate! Good stuff! Wookiee says listen!

Grace Alone Podcast

Grace Alone Podcast: 7 – Crescendo! Why do we sing… With Calvinist Batman

Grace Alone LogoSo… What do you get when you take Theology, Apologetics, Doxology, and Discipleship and put it in a blender, then you crank that blender to 11? You get the Grace Alone Podcast! In this EP they talk to Bats aka. Calvinist Batman! The subject they delve into is one of my favorites… Worship! In this EP they talk about the regulative principle and the normative principle… Arrrghhh I know… they are fancy words that essentially mean that God’s Word either gives specific rules for how to do worship (regulative) or that those rules are more like guidelines and anything the Bible doesn’t expressly forbid in worship is fair game (normative). So from a normative standpoint you could use the Millennium Falcon’s thrusters and quad laser cannons as instruments for worship! They have a great discussion on the flaws of both views if both looked at from a strictly black and white standpoint. Enjoy talks like this that look at both standpoints and look at both the benefits and downfalls of both opposing views… I believe they came to a good balanced conclusion! The EP was great and you should all give it a listen!

Reformed Pubcast LIVE!

reformed-pubcast-400x400The Reformed Pubcast: 112: Live at Ligonier

This is just a short shout rawrrrr out! Love me some reformed Pubcast! They were one of the first podcasts I got into… And also one of the first I have mentioned in my #ChewyApprovedPodcast. So I was very excited for them to do a live show from the Ligonier Con! They got booed at by the crowd and everything! Check it out!


Calvinist Batman and Friends

Calvinist Batman & Friends: Obviously The Essentials For Unity Don’t Include Bacon

cal-batThis EP is much needed in Reformed circles. In my early reforming days. I, in my ignorance, was hostile towards those who weren’t Reformed… Not outwardly, I can be a cowardly wookiee at times, but anyone who didn’t hold to a Calvinistic Soteriology was below my intellectually prideful self. God has since and is currently humbling me of that pride. This EP definitely helped. Hearing that James White is friends with Michael Brown, a prominent Arminian, and considers him a brother in Christ was very cool to see. I will say I respect Dr. Brown, brother is intelligent and a man who seems to be earnestly seeking to glorify God and make much of his name.

I have mad respect for Bats for being willing to talk to those outside his “camp,” and to foster and encourage unity on his show! I have learned a great deal from listening to him!

I encourage you to listen to this Calvinist and Arminian and be willing to foster unity with those brothers who are our Christian Brothers and sisters. The Bible says that people will know us by our love for one another. We can have our differences, and still love, encourage and spur them onto Christ.

Love Calvinist Batman and his ministry. This EP is especially encouraging and you all should mmmmmhhhhh listen!

After The Sermon

after-the-sermon-graphicAfter The Sermon: 35 – Going Off The Air Briefly, and The Deferred Costs of Ministry

Wanted to give a quick shout out to my brother Jeremy Lundmark from After the Sermon! Or, as I call him in my Native tongue, mmmyarrghhhiiiii!! Yarghhh I’m messing with you… That means something totally different… 😉 Anyway, I have been a consistent listener of his Podcast for a while. I really enjoy how he does the Podcast, it is easy to listen to and he talks about just about anything that goes on… After the Sermon. On this EP he talks on some personal stuff going on in his life and let’s the listener know that he is taking a break to handle some stuff. I respect his willingness to keep his listeners in the loop. It shows that this brother cares about what he is doing with his podcast and that he really cares about his listeners. Thanks brother Jeremy for that! I will be praying for you and I encourage the few who read this Blarrrggg to do the same.

Conclude Mmmmhhhhhhh!

I may in the future only focus on one podcast, or maybe two. We shall see. I appreciate again Theology Mix for allowing me to post on their blog.

To conclude here is a Passage I have been chewing on a lot lately, and will continue to until it is engraved in my Wookiee mind.

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.
With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Blessed are you, O LORD; teach me your statutes!
With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth.
In the way of your testimonies I delight as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.
I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.
-Psalm 119:9-16

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