Give Up Yer Aul Sins — A Story About St. Patrick

This series, including the original Oscar-nominated short, from Brown Bag Films is based upon the 1960s recordings of young children telling Bible stories in a classroom to their schoolteacher. When a film crew arrives at an inner city Dublin National School to record the children, the result is a warm, funny and spontaneous animated documentary, featuring young children telling the story of John the Baptist, the Birth of Jesus, the Crucifixion, Saint Patrick and others.

A very Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you and yours from Theology Mix!


Photo by Trent Strohm via Flickr

Theology Mix
The WarCast | Don’t Play Church, Be the Church

The WarCast | Don’t Play Church, Be the Church

This series, including the original Oscar-nominated short, from Brown Bag Films

A Pure Heart (A Study on the Sermon on the Mount)

A Pure Heart (A Study on the Sermon on the Mount)

This series, including the original Oscar-nominated short, from Brown Bag Films