The Star of Bethlehem “After listening to the king, they [the Magi] went on their way byJohn I. SnyderDecember 17, 2024
The Baby in the Manger I remember the first moment I laid eyes on my daughters, how small, how byJohn I. SnyderDecember 1, 2024
Does Physics Point to God? “Physics to God” with Rabbi Elie Feder and Rabbi Aaron Zimmer Today we’re featuring two courageous frontline scientists dedicated to the byJohn I. SnyderNovember 30, 2024
Biblical Studies Faith FeaturedJanuary 25, 2021 Making It in the Big Ten: Choices Have Consequences Buried deep in the Old Testament histories of Israel, there is a brief little byPaul Watermulder
Biblical Studies Church Life Culture FeaturedFebruary 19, 2017 Saint Jesus: The Rise and Fall of Jesus Christ Anyone who’s ever studied western civilization can recall the long and byJohn I. Snyder
Apologetics CultureJuly 15, 2016 Understanding Our Neighbors – Jihad Basics: Drill Down on Doctrine The made-up line, “Follow the money,” is the memorable phrase of Watergate-era byCarl Lammers
Blue LinesJune 20, 2016 Descent: The Point of Diminishing Returns “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or byMichael Kelly
UncategorizedApril 2, 2016 Islamic Evangelism Converting Christians Introduction and Overview This [post] examines Islamic attempts at missions and byJeremy Lundmark
CultureMarch 7, 2016 Why Is God Relevant? An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders The Question Posed to Bernie Sanders In the most recent CNN Democratic byJeremy Lundmark
CultureJanuary 22, 2016 When Faith and the U.S. Military Collide This edition of Christ in Culture will focus on Christin Military Culture byChaplain Chris Linzey
CultureDecember 14, 2015 Can We Have Our (Liberty) Cake and Eat It, Too? Donald Trump and the Refugee Dilemma Trump: No More Muslims Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete byJeremy Lundmark
Featured NewsNovember 14, 2015 Paris Under Attack – How Should Christians Feel? Terror in Paris, France I work nights byJeremy Lundmark
CultureOctober 19, 2015 When Middle School Students Are Forced to Study Islam Tennessee’s Butt is in the news byChaplain Chris Linzey
Apologetics EvangelismNovember 7, 2014 Understanding Our Neighbor: Jihad Basics Theology, the study of God, and military science, the study of principles of byCarl Lammers