Episode 41 – Thank You Millennials, Alexis Bloomer, Tanya Mast, and Target’s Unwelcoming Message


In Episode 41, I discuss the controversial, though wildly accepted, statements of Alexis Bloomer railing against her own generation: Millennials. Bloomer argues that Millennials simply don’t contribute to society, we’re lazy, and disrespectful. Well, I call foul and present a number of facts that bring just about all of her comments into question.

That’s followed by a big “Thank You” from a millennial to millennial Americans who fight for our country, volunteer for our country, love our country, work hard, and put up with the disrespect that often comes from the other generations.

Next, I interview Tanya Mast about her experience of being photographed against her will in a public venue and how Target’s bathroom policy of “inclusivity” has made her feel unwelcome and disrespected by the organization.

Links from Episode 41

Alexis Bloomer Original Video
Active Military Service Men and Woman (Demographics)
Bereau of Labor and Statistics report on voluntarism.
Social Media use by generation/age group.
Report on Entitlement Program Use in America
Taxation on Americans by Age/Generation
Tanya Mast’s Message on Facebook
The Tech Reformation Podcast
The Theology Mix Podcast Network

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