15 Reasons I Left the Church: A Response to Rachel Held Evans


Recently I read a post from Rachel Held Evans called “15 Reasons I Left the Church.” I don’t know Ms. Evans, but her post seems to be intended to reflect a common experience (and thus motivations?) of all 18-29-year-olds who have left the church. To be fair, in much contemporary usage “leaving the church” does not mean abandoning faith but rather walking away from “organized religion”—traditional Christianity as known and practiced by Evangelicals world-wide.

I love the church. I don’t love the church just because I’m a pastor. I love the church for what it is and what it does. I love the church because of WHOSE it is—not mine (though we often refer to a building as “that’s my church”) but God’s.

In the Bible, the word “church” is ekklesia which quite literally means “called out”. The church is the group that God has called out of the world to be different; to be HIS. That being said, church is never about us. It’s always about HIM. Too often we get caught up in personal desires and wants when it comes to the local church. I believe this to be one of the primary errors of the generation Ms. Evans claims to represent—their focus is directed in the wrong direction. There is too much focus on the self instead of on the One who established and called out this group.

But I do want to look at the reasons she gives for walking away:

1. I’m better at planning Bible studies than baby showers…but they only wanted me to plan baby showers.

I’m not exactly sure what Ms. Evans means by this reason. Perhaps she’s trying to make a point about gender roles in the church? Without her explaining, we’re left to guess, but my guess seems reasonable. I’m not sure why her church didn’t want her to plan Bible studies. I would encourage all Christians with the words of Paul:

Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? (1 Corinthians 12:14-17)

Paul’s point is this—there are many parts and roles within the body of believers, the church. One part is not better or worse than the others. Each must fulfill its role to have a healthy and fully functioning body. We can’t always have our ideal role—sometimes we fill roles that don’t fulfill our personal desires. That’s when we have to remember that it’s not about us—it’s about the body. Sometimes we are called to put ourselves on the back burner for the benefit of the group.

2. When we talked about sin, we mostly talked about sex.

Some churches do this, I’m sure, but not all. The Bible talks about all sorts of sin. Here’s the thing, when the Bible does talk about sin lists, i.e. here are things to avoid (as in Ephesians 5:3-5), sexual sins are always on the list. Our sexuality is a big part of who we are, and it keeps coming up in the Bible. So, while churches should talk about all the different ways sin destroys our connection with God, young people shouldn’t be surprised when sexual sin becomes part of the conversation.

My question is this: is the problem that churches are mostly talking about sexual sin or is the problem that sexuality is not an area where young people want to be told that God has an ideal right and wrong?

3. My questions were seen as liabilities.

I can imagine that there are churches that try to quash questions. I know there are some churches and pastors who embrace questions. It means people are thinking! Since I know there are churches and pastors where questions are encouraged I have a hard time accepting this sweeping generalization as a legitimate complaint against the Church. One church’s behavior doesn’t mean the Church worldwide has the same attitude.

4. Sometimes it felt like a cult, or a country club, and I wasn’t sure which was worse.

There’s really nothing to say about this complaint. It’s about a feeling, and you can’t argue with feelings. I would ask why she felt that way, but feelings are subjective. It’s dangerous to judge people or organizations on subjective grounds rather than objective. Feelings change. “I don’t like the music there. I don’t like the pastor here. I don’t like the color of the carpet.” The subjective complaints could go on and on and on. Rather than merely leveling complaints, what is it Ms. Evans is looking for? What feeling would be acceptable?

5. I believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old and that humans share a common ancestor with apes, which I was told was incompatible with my faith.

There are churches where this is not an issue. I agree with the idea of an “old earth”. As for the humans and apes bit, I tend to believe that the commonality reflects a common creator rather than a common ancestor, but I can still worship with people who disagree. The Bible is not a science book—it is a book of faith. Our relationship with God is not based on science but on faith. Christians around the globe can agree on the basics of faith and choose to lovingly disagree on non-essential issues. Again, Ms. Evans is making broad generalizations based on limited (or singular) church experiences.

6. Sometimes I doubt, and church can be the worst place to doubt.

Yes, some churches frown on doubt. But an honest reading of the Bible shows that even some of the “greats” go through times of doubt. Will you turn your back on what God has instituted based on some who cannot allow an expression of doubt? You discredit those churches that would express it with you.

7. I didn’t want to be anyone’s “project.”

Without further explanation from Ms. Evans I really don’t know what she’s talking about other than to say that she seems to have a specific example in mind. There are people in the church who will try to make others into projects. Sometimes those people are well-intentioned. Sometimes they are not. But the church is not a perfect place—it is a group of sinners who are part of a new community—a kingdom community. That means that our humanity is sometimes going to get in the way. It means that church and church relationships can get messy. It’s not a reason to walk away.

8. It was often assumed that everyone in the congregation voted for Republicans.

This excuse amuses me. I think the voting record of a church changes based on geographic location. While some churches are largely Republican, I know of congregations that are largely Democrat. Then there are some churches that hold to neither side but try to preach Jesus and the Gospel regardless of politics. As a pastor I firmly believe that neither party has it all right. Sometimes the Bible will side with one and other times it will side with the other.

9. I felt like I was the only one troubled by stories of violence and misogyny and genocide found in the Bible, and I was tired of people telling me not to worry about it because “God’s ways are higher than our ways.”

Again with the “feeling.” It’s impossible to argue against subjective criticisms. You felt that way but were you really the only one? There’s no one else?

10. My own selfishness and pride.

I think a lot of these 15 reasons could actually be subcategories of #10…

11. I knew I would never see a woman behind the pulpit, at least not in the congregation in which I grew up.

There are Christian traditions that frown on women in ministry. There are other traditions that do not. Why walk away from the Church because you are unhappy with a single tradition? I am the son of an educated (Ph.D) and ordained woman. I grew up in a home and church where mom was a contributor to the theological discussion and service. I am married to a woman who has a graduate degree in Biblical Studies and has preached the gospel on multiple continents. Your sweeping complaints do not represent the whole of American Christianity.

12. I wanted to help people in my community without feeling pressure to convert them to Christianity.

I agree that the church should be involved in helping the community! And we should offer help with no strings attached. At some point, however, we have to come to a realization that physical help has limits if we never tell people about the gospel. It’s saying, “I care about your well-being but I don’t care about your eternity.” While we may not be balanced, the Church (even 18-29 year olds) needs to know that telling people about eternity is important.

13. I had learned more from Oprah about addressing poverty and injustice than I had learned from 25 years of Sunday school.

True, many churches do not really approach the subject of poverty and injustice. But you’re really talking about a political endeavor rather than a spiritual one. I agree that Christians ought to be concerned with poverty and injustice, but many people seem to want these elements to be the sole mission of the Church. They are not. The mission of the Church is Jesus and disciple-making—helping people grow in their own faith and worship of Him. The Bible says that when the early church got together:

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. (Acts 2:43-46)

While helping to assist other believers was part of what they did it was not their primary raison d’etre. They were there for prayer, worship, spiritual growth, and fellowship. Taking care of each other was a natural expression of the love they developed for each other. Please don’t mistake the Church for a political or social activism group. Oprah is great on the poverty and justice issues—she’s not so hot on promoting worship of the One True God. The Church is not supposed to be Oprah—it’s supposed to be the Church.

14. There are days when I’m not sure I believe in God, and no one told me that “dark nights of the soul” can be part of the faith experience.

Dark nights of the soul can be part of the faith experience. Now you can come back to us.

15. One day, they put out signs in the church lawn that said, “Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman: Vote Yes on Prop 1,” and I knew the moment I saw them that I never wanted to come back.

It grieves me to see the church get involved in politics. Ed Stetzer writes, “When you mix politics and religion you get politics.” I believe that churches ought to stick to preaching Jesus and the Gospel and not promote any particular political measure. I don’t know if your church put up those signs or if others in the community put them up, but the church shouldn’t promote any political activity. That being said, the Bible DOES address issues that come up in politics. There are good Christians who differ in politics.

Well, there you have it. Probably not the most eloquent response to your 15 reasons, but I wanted to give another perspective to all of the 18-29 year-olds who have walked away from the church. The church is not perfect because it is filled with flawed humans. Nevertheless, God has instituted the church—it’s about his kingdom here on earth.

Perfect? No.

Growing in God’s grace? I pray so.

How about you? Have you had positive experiences with the church?

Photo by Brendan Sceroler via CreationSwap

Chaplain Chris Linzey
Comments 9
  1. I grew up as a preacher’s kid and left the church as soon as I was old enough to make that decision. I spent my 20’s living life completely outside of God’s will, in so much as I didn’t think about Him without feeling angry and bitter toward the church.

    In my early 30’s (a few years ago) I began attending a church (several months after cursing at the stranger who invited me.)

    I would have written a list nearly identical to hers until I walked into NOLA Church. It’s an amazing, life giving community, though it’s filled with flawed people (myself included.)

    Now I’m on the worship team and have served as a small group leader. I’m quite involved, but I still struggle often. Luke 5 gives me the courage to stay…

    I see one major issue with the post that you wrote in response: it lacks love.

    The fact of the matter is whether or not we agree on every little point is irrelevant. My pastor often says that life change happens through relationships, and there’s no way you can expect someone who’s been hurt/confused/disappointed by the church to heal without loving them first.

    Picking her post apart doesn’t do anything except facilitate the bitterness and/or disappointment that she faced at the hands of the church. Sure, it makes you seem as though you have a desire to be right, but at what cost?

    The woman who wrote that post was dead on, and her thoughts will continue to hit home with many until the church gets itself together and starts focusing on loving people and serving others instead of being right.

    1. Hi Kenlie,

      I understand your deep pain. Many of us have been there and thanks to God are healing and healthy. We’re accepting our immature behavior of the past, laying the blame aside or where it is due, and are now facing life as responsible, giving adults.

      I don’t see how Pastor Chris’ post “lacks love”. He was expressing his views. Ironically, you seem to be to be doing what you accuse him of. It’s always a slippery road when we start pointing fingers.

      In the final analysis, Pastor Chris gave his views, you responded with yours…I think you’re both entitled to your opinions, but you need also to clear your heart of any bitterness and seeming judgmentalism before you lead in worship next Sunday.

      I’m curious… where in the Bible did Jesus say focus “on loving people and serving others instead of being right”? You can be right and loving, and wrong and unloving. Also, what is the standard we use for knowing if we’re right? Scriptures? The Book of Good Manners? Or popular culture?

  2. You ever think more God’s word and less social justice. I am always talking with the younger generation and find it interesting that they are searching for meaning in the word of God. I have been reading two different seminary advent posts. One addresses the coming of Christ and how he works in our lives. The other seminary talks about social justice and no mention of Jesus or his coming birth. The first seminary has many graduates going into emerging ministry, the second seminary belongs to a dying denomination. For example the second seminary’s denomination had 12 churches in our area, only two are left in that denomination. One thing we forget is that it is our faith, God’s word and the gift of the Holy Spirit that will guide us to do the works of God. I like what A.W. Tozer says in his book Man the Dwelling Place of God, if we only have old Saints and not new Saints we will be nailing the Church doors shut. Are you talking to the youth of today?

  3. This is a really good post. I Loved #10 and #14. It almost makes me wonder if she was paying attention in church on #14. A cursory reading of Job or the Psalms demonstrates clearly that dark nights of the soul are a natural part of the believer’s walk. Even Christ Himself in the Garden of Gethsemane could be said to have had a dark night of the soul.

    In any case, I wanted to gain some clarity on #15. Is it the support of the proposition or the declaration of the Biblical truth regarding marriage that you’re not a fan of? From your comments it sounds like you’re o.k. with declaring the Biblical truth but not the direct support of a proposition. (which is close to where I’d land)

    I personally believe that Pastors and churches have an obligation to speak into the political arena at times. Issues like homosexual marriage and abortion are not, in my view, merely political. I have felt it necessary, especially living in a robustly liberal state, to speak directly into the political realm on these issues. (cf. http://youtu.be/duo1X6UIoyU )

    I’m not sure I would put yard signs out in front of the church but I do preach directly into the political arena and I have a weekly ministry going out to our local abortion clinic and reaching out to women in crisis pregnancy situations. I’m also a part of an organization called the American Pastors Network ( http://www.americanpastorsnetwork.net ) which calls on pastors to speak up on what might be considered “political” issues.

    I’m just curious if you could elaborate more on what you think is ‘in bounds’ and what is ‘out of bounds’ and why.

    1. Excellent question. To me, Christians should be speaking biblical truth at all times and to all areas of life. That being said, I think that we (pastors especially) need to preach the Bible, not the political policy. Sometime political policy will fit with the Bible, but I would still caution pastors to preach the Bible rather than preach the policy.

      In the past I’ve done sermon series during election season called, “The Bible Speaks to the Issues” and addressed some of the issues, but never supported or decried any particular policy. I try to let the Bible speak for itself and let that influence people’s decisions.

      Is that a little more clear or have I made it worse? 🙂

      1. I would agree I think. I preached a message in 2012 called “How you should vote.” I targeted key issues without getting to specific politicians or polucy but did highly encourage people get informed on the issues and candidates.

  4. I’ve read most of her work and, while I do not agree with all of her conclusions, I have been challenged and appreciate many of her critiques of the church. I wish, though, that she would stay in the evangelical church and challenge it to change by being a loving insider. I believe that is by far the more effective way to bring about change. I have to say, though, after reading so many of the comments to her work, I can understand a bit. So many people who refer to themselves as evangelical Christians comment with the most hateful, unchristian things you can imagine. It has not been the kind of dialog you suggest. She does not reply in kind. After a while, I can only imagine it gets too painful and difficult to stay. I wish she had. Both sides could have benefited. It is an issue with the generation that there is much critique, which is quite often on target, but not so much willingness to stay and do the hard work of grace. The older generation, however, has not modeled that very well.

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