Your 100 Day Prayer: Day 74 – Real Love

real love

The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”
-Jeremiah 31:3

​How blessed we are to have God’s everlasting love, a love that Dr. Snyder defines as follows: “It’s hard for us to imagine this kind of love. Parents can gain a little glimpse of it when love for their children remains strong in spite of their children’s rebellion. But God goes even beyond that. He sustains his loving-kindness long after the last parent has given up on the last wayward child. Our love can grow cold, but God’s love cannot. Our love is often conditional, but God’s is not. True, we can reject his love, but his love is not thereby lessened. He still holds out his hand in our direction, and his ongoing patience is intended to lead us to repentance (Rom. 2:4).

The ultimate expression of this love for us is in the sending of his Son Jesus to reconcile us to himself and to bring us home… So why are we secure? Because God keeps and blesses those who keep the rules and do the right thing all the time? No. We’re safe because of God’s loving-kindness and steadfast faithfulness.

TODAY’S PRAYER: Pray for God to open your mind so completely to this truth that you’ll never think the same way again. Allow him to show you the many-sided, unshakeable love he has for you, a love that breaks all the barriers of how you’ve always defined the word before.

Photo via Flickr

TJ Bates
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