Brown Eyes: Revealing Traits in Myself that I Cannot Escape


Staring into the eyes of a baby can leave you awe-struck. The innocence, the pure joy, the helplessness, and the love of an infant seen in their eyes can bring one to tears. To think we all started this way.

We all were carefully knit together by God in order to be a part of this world. Although, due to our nature, we come into the world as rebels to God, we still are loved by him. As I stare at my seven month-old son I realize that, in God’s eyes, I am more helpless than my baby is.

Without God becoming incarnate and dying for my sins…without my asking, requesting, or seeing the need for it, he died and rose for me. There was zero I could do to save myself from the hole I had dug for myself.

I stare into my son’s eyes and see how inquisitive he is. How we wonders with excitement at the new things he views. He cannot wait to feel, taste, and probably break whatever it is! And I, in God’s sight, I am viewed in the same way. I always want more—getting lost in the thought about a bigger pay check or the various other things I covet. Oh to be able to hop in my co worker’s Lamborghini and race up the block, not knowing if being able to play with any and every toy is for my benefit or to my detriment is not on my mind. I just want it.

My baby’s eyes show me the world. They reveals trait in myself that I cannot escape. That without God, I am helpless, lost, and pitiful. That I need my gracious father to nourish me with daily bread and to cleanse me. How could I deny my child baptism, when we both come to the foot of the cross utterly dependent and at the mercy of our Father.

And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
-Matthew 18:2-4

Peace, Love, and Mercy!

Lex Lutheran
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Staring into the eyes of a baby can leave you awe-struck