After the Sermon: Episode 14 – Historic Premillennialism, The Papacy, Uploading Sermons, and #ShoutYourAbortion

In Episode 14 of After the Sermon, we discuss the Pope in Philly and putting sermons online for free…


In Episode 14 of After the Sermon, we discuss the Pope in Philly and putting sermons online for free.

Then we turn to our Theology Mix feature and quickly discuss the Pastor’s Wife article on #ShoutYourAbortion. We also take a quick look at the fulfillment of my prophecy that the Four Blood Moons wouldn’t change a thing or usher in anything new.

For our main topic, we discuss my journey to becoming an historic premillennialist and in the process eliminate Dispensational Premilennialism, Amillenialism, and Postmillennialism.

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In Episode 14 of After the Sermon, we discuss the Pope in Philly and putting

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In Episode 14 of After the Sermon, we discuss the Pope in Philly and putting