How We Know Jesus and the Early Church Existed #TMBH

How do we know things about the distant past? How do we know details about the lives of the most famous historical figures? What about Jesus? Outside of the Bible, how do we know anything about Jesus or the early Church?

In this episode, I talk about how studying the ancient past works, and then I take a look at a bunch of writers who mentioned details about Jesus and early Christianity in the first and second centuries. I also compare the amount of documentation that exists to confirm details about the lives of ultra-famous Greek and Roman figures with the amount of documentation that exists to confirm details about Jesus and the Church. In addition, we’ll consider some of the common criticisms of the reliable historicity of Jesus.

In just 30 lousy minutes, you can learn about history, the Bible, Jesus, Caesar, and why there’s every reason to believe that Jesus existed, did remarkable things, gained a following, was executed, and then was the object of worship for a new religion immediately after his life and death.

This is the full, uninterrupted 30 minute version of the three part series also published on this channel.

Matt Whitman
I, Natalie Taylor: Does Death Claim the Wrong Church Member…sometimes?

I, Natalie Taylor: Does Death Claim the Wrong Church Member…sometimes?

How do we know things about the distant past?

Mugshot Christ: Great Teacher or Rebellious Lawbreaker

Mugshot Christ: Great Teacher or Rebellious Lawbreaker

How do we know things about the distant past?