Chris Thomas

4 posts
Chris Thomas is the Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn, MI, with a heart for helping others grow in their faith. Born and raised in Northern California, he met his wife Stacy there, and together they have four kids and two dogs who keep them busy. Chris has a Bachelors in Bible and Theology as well as Counseling Psychology from William Jessup University, and a Master of Divinity from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He has served in vocational ministry from age 19 in multiple denominations and contexts. Since high school, Chris has run a video production business, now using those skills to create video curriculum for the church. Chris writes about topics where faith, life and culture intersect. He is a huge fan of story and loves to read books or watch shows that spark his imagination. You can see more of Chris’s work at his website You can follow him on Twitter at @chrissthomas, on Instagram at @pastorchristhomas, and here on YouTube.

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