Theology Mix’s Next 100 Day Prayer Journey

prayer journey

Your 100 Day Prayer | Theology Mix
Wouldn’t you like to make a dramatic difference in your life? Prayer changes things!

Beginning today, January 1, Theology Mix challenges you to join this prayer journey, based on Harper Collins/Thomas Nelson’s highly rated book, Your 100 Day Prayer: The Transforming Power of Actively Waiting on God.

Author John Snyder says, “The 100 Day Prayer is simply a way of bringing before God major issues, challenges, concerns, or transitions in our lives. There’s really nothing magic about a hundred days, it’s just that my family and I settled on that span of time as a solid period of concentrated prayer and intercession. It could have been ninety or one-hundred-and-twenty days. The intent is only that we bring before God the same issues each day for that period of time. This isn’t something overly involved or impossible to sustain—only a few minutes of prayer every day. It’s striving more for consistency than length of time in prayer.”

In their report, It Takes Sixty-Six Days to Form A Habit, The Telegraph quotes Professor Jane Wardle, of University College London, who carried out the study with Dr Phillippa Lally. “What we found was that it takes 66 days on average for people in our study to acquire a habit… It varied between individuals, but the finding is that if you do something everyday in the same situation, it will become an automatic reaction in response to those situational cues, a habit. It is the first time this has been established.”

“As behaviours are repeated in consistent settings they then begin to proceed more efficiently and with less thought as control of the behaviour transfers to cues in the environment that activate an automatic response—a habit.”

This doesn’t mean that if you skip a day or two everything is going to fall apart. “It suggests that although repetition of a behaviour is required in order to form a habit, some missed opportunities will not derail the process,” they state in the same study.

Other studies suggest it takes an average of about 90 days to form a habit, and 90 days also to kick a habit. The number one hundred provides an extra cushion of time to ensure the habit has formed.

Jonathan Wells of Advanced Life Skills asks “What can you accomplish in 100 days?” Apparently, plenty! He suggests six things you’ll need to accomplish your goal in 100 days:

Have one or more goals. Just make sure you take time to prayerfully consider what those goals could be. Then plan how to achieve that goal(s).

Focus on you’re reason for doing this. Ask yourself how important this is to you or a loved one.

Many things that are important to do may just be a distraction. Prioritize and focus on your commitment.

This is what’s going to make or break your achieving your goal.

Theology Mix is going to help you with this. There will be a place for you to register for the 100 day prayer. Then, either post a comment or RT the tweet of the day to acknowledge your commitment.

Put your prayer request down and check in each day with ThM and your prayer request. Write down your daily progress and any things that God is doing in your life. If you’d like, you can share them in the comments section of the post each day.

If prayer isn’t a daily habit for you, if you have reached the end of your rope and don’t know how to go forward, are feeling abandoned without a friend, or just need a spiritual power boost, join us on our prayer journey and see how God can transform your life.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
-Matthew 7:7-8

ThM recommends: Q & A with Dr. John I. Snyder, Author of “Your 100 Day Prayer”

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