11 Questions with Calvinist Mulder

MulderProfPicCalvinist Mulder: Solving crimes by exposing the spiritually paranormal. Follow him @CalvinistMulder.

1. Why did you start a Twitter account?
A. As an FBI agent, I see many cases of false gospels and senseless idolatry. The Truth is out there…and his name is Jesus Christ.

2. Who is your favourite theologian, past and/or present?
A. Dr. James White.

3. What book are you reading? OR: Besides the Bible, what book has influenced your Christian walk the most?
A. The God Who Justifies by Dr. James White. The word “justification” always seemed ethereal to me until I read that book. A truly humbling doctrine.

4. What’s your favourite movie or TV show?
A. Supposedly my work on The X-Files is going to be adapted for television.

5. What is your pet peeve in church or with Christians?
A. When church services are more about being flashy than about submitting to Christ and his Word. Whether it’s the music, the presentation of the preaching, or the environment of the Sanctuary… Jesus will never be “cool”. People need to grow up and start edifying the body of Christ instead of trying to show off their ill-gained blessings.

6. Why is it important to study theology?
A. So that you can actually know the character of the God who saved you. It’s a form of obedience, and therefore, worship.

7. After a stressful day, what’s your favourite way of relaxing?
A. Drinking a craft brew with my wife or the friends in our community group.

8. What’s your favorite Bible verse(s)?
A. Currently, Romans 1:17. Our faith is the only thing that allows us to truly see why Christ died, yet he also died so that faith would be the only means of salvation. Pretty intense stuff.

9. Link us to your go-to song of the moment while driving to Sunday worship—you know, the song that you need/like to hear before you arrive at church?
A. Not For a Moment by Vertical Church. God is truly faithful and is always good despite our circumstances. Always hits home.

10. What would you consider the “worst”—Christian book, Christian music, Christian movies?
A. Christian music, specifically the K-Love radio stuff. I mean…come on. It’s terrible. Believers and unbelievers should flee from that sexually immoral mess.

11. Is the church relevant? If yes, what would you consider the best way to reach the unchurched?
A. In its existence, yes. The church is the bride of Christ. Always will be. So drop your presuppositions about how ugly the church is, because it’s supposed to be ugly. Christ having to die exposed that.

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