Find a House Church: A Conversation with John Stewart Hill

John Stewart Hill is the founder of, a website designed to help establish house churches for believers seeking to maintain biblical community during the current pandemic and beyond. John is a businessman, author, and award-winning entrepreneur with his Dallas based company, The Good Contractors List. He is in full-time ministry and has written the book Loving God without All the Answers: Hope for Even Me. Listen to John discuss his inspiring faith story and what led him to start this incredible and timely website.

John I. Snyder
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Hey God, I Have a Question Series: What Was It Like to Watch Your Son Die?

Hey God, I Have a Question Series: What Was It Like to Watch Your Son Die?

John Stewart Hill is the founder of findahousechurch

Theology Review of Raya and the Last Dragon

Theology Review of Raya and the Last Dragon

John Stewart Hill is the founder of findahousechurch