The Star of Bethlehem “After listening to the king, they [the Magi] went on their way byJohn I. SnyderDecember 17, 2024
The Baby in the Manger I remember the first moment I laid eyes on my daughters, how small, how byJohn I. SnyderDecember 1, 2024
Does Physics Point to God? “Physics to God” with Rabbi Elie Feder and Rabbi Aaron Zimmer Today we’re featuring two courageous frontline scientists dedicated to the byJohn I. SnyderNovember 30, 2024
Spiritual Growth Your 100 Day PrayerJanuary 11, 2018 Your 100 Day Prayer: Day 11 – Pressed But Not Crushed “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in byTJ Bates
Church Life Culture Spiritual GrowthFebruary 7, 2015 Adolf Hitler Takes On Joel Osteen…and Wins! In all honesty I’m friends with a lot more people on social media than I could byChaplain Chris Linzey