The Transformative Power of Doing Things in the Name of Jesus

Kindness, or altruism, is doing what we can to enhance the happiness of others. A deliberately loving act, performed at the least convenient moment, is transformative. When we place others first and seek to sync our lives with what God loves, God blesses us with satisfaction and joy. Whether we naturally do kind things or become kind due to doing good deeds, there seems to be a connection between kindness and happiness, and God tends to reward such actions.

Regardless of our location, we can all bear witness to the transformative power of acts done in the name of Jesus. In societies where the Gospel has yet to permeate or where people have turned away from God, there is a prevalent sense of self-centeredness and a loss of peripheral vision. This leads to a general feeling of sadness and hopelessness. However, in places where the Holy Spirit is abundant, we see a different picture—one of consideration and contentedness. A genuine Christian culture creates a unique sense of unity and purpose that is unparalleled.

Practicing Christian kindness is counterintuitive. It is not just a selfless act but a personal investment in our well-being. It’s about being considerate and generous, extending an extra ounce of patience, and choosing to respond with kindness even in the face of criticism. Any act that is others-focused can release a positive emotion within us. It’s a reminder that it feels good to be good and that our actions directly impact our happiness.

God uniquely blesses those who are consistently kind to others. Kindness is an intentional habit that God wants us to form, conforming to his will and exhibiting his presence in our lives to others. Kindness is a universal language that communicates across almost all cultural barriers and opens doors to reach other people who wouldn’t ordinarily be accessible to us. A good and thoughtful spirit, along with all the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), is how Christians should live before the world.

-Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

John I. Snyder
Devotions from Psalms Series: Traveling with Firm Footing

Devotions from Psalms Series: Traveling with Firm Footing

Kindness, or altruism, is doing what we can to enhance the happiness of others

Broken: If You Want to Be Used by God, Prepare to Be Broken

Broken: If You Want to Be Used by God, Prepare to Be Broken

Kindness, or altruism, is doing what we can to enhance the happiness of others