After the Sermon: Episode 15 – Three Fury of God Interviews with Dr Gary Dull and David Kistler, Mike Hranek, and Scott McCausey


In Episode 15, I highlight three interviews that I’ve done over the last year regarding my book The Fury of God from Westbow Press.

The first interview comes from Faith and Freedom’s hosts Dr. Gary Dull and David Kistler. This was the first interview I had ever done for the book and I really appreciated the support the book received on this radio program.

Next, we take a moment to announce the reviews of seven winners of cover signed copies of The Fury of God. I have contacted most of those winners although I’m waiting for some to contact me. If your iTunes review is read in this episode, and you haven’t heard from me directly, contact me at [email protected] with your iTunes username and your address so I can get your copy shipped out ASAP.

Then, we jump into an interview I did with my friend and the interim pastor of South Owego Bible Church Mike Hranek. We dive into the necessity of having a “Fear of the Lord,” and we also discuss how that relates to issues like homosexuality and abortion.

Finally, we jump into a shortened segment of my interview with Scott McCausey, fellow Theology Mix contributor and host of the podcast Christian Devotions Speak Up. We discuss how I came to write a book on this subject and how people are responding to the content.

Links from Episode 15 and Links Related to The Fury of God

Where to Purchase the Fury of God?
Book can be purchased or ordered wherever books are sold. For more information and ordering details visit Ebook starting at $3.99!


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