Psalm 23 Series for the Twenty-first Century: He’s My God

“It’s mine; you can’t have it.”

“Mom, Dad, he took my….”

“Johnny, share with your….”

For those of us with children and grandchildren, we’ve heard at least one of the above statements—or some variation of them. We’ve struggled with the challenge of teaching them to share with siblings, friends, and strangers. Although they aren’t married, the old saying applies: “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.”

Selfishness doesn’t always leave after childhood. Not learning to share early in life leads to selfishness in adulthood. But as adults, the toys are bigger, and the consequences of selfishness are more acute.

I admit my periodic selfishness. Being a collector of old and new books, I’ve frequently had other people want to borrow some of them. The wheels in my mind turn before I answer, “Yes.” Will they take care of it, spill coffee on it, let their dog chew it up, or their kids tear it up? So, I often think up a reason to decline their request. “I use that book a lot,” “I don’t loan my books,” or “I know where you can get a copy cheap.”

David had a personal connection with God: “The LORD is my shepherd” (23:1 KJV). But his relationship didn’t lead to selfishness. The Lord was his God, but many other people were connected to David’s God, too, and God answered their prayers just as he did David’s. He also protected and guided them, as he did David.

God’s plan was always that he be shared with everyone, so all can enjoy his love, guidance, and provision. He wasn’t just David’s God. He belongs to anyone willing to repent of their sins and trust him in faith.

When we do, God wants us to share him with those who haven’t. And we can by the practical selfless things we do every day.

Are you sharing God with others or keeping him to yourself?

Photo by Jaka Škrlep on Unsplash

Martin Wiles
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“It’s mine; you can’t have it

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“It’s mine; you can’t have it