What Is the Apocrypha and Should It Be In the Bible? | Nuts & Bolts of the Bible

You’ve probably heard of the Apocrypha (also called the Deuterocanonical Books), and have probably heard some opinions about it too. Here are some more.

Matt Whitman
Comments 1
  1. I am no Scripture scholar, nor do I have the education you have had. But I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. JK — I’ve been sick in bed for a week. 🙂 Over the summer some of your videos have come up after other videos I have been watching. Today I have been binge-watching some of your videos. I’ve been grooving with you, but am not certain that all of what you are saying is true in this video. My understanding is that many of the O.T. quotes of both Jesus and Paul are from the Septuagint. Additionally, many of the churches in the East have even more books than the Roman Catholic Church does. I appreciate your conclusion reminding us that Jesus is the focus.

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You’ve probably heard of the Apocrypha (also called the Deuterocanonical

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You’ve probably heard of the Apocrypha (also called the Deuterocanonical