Paul Watermulder

4 posts
Paul Watermulder: From merchant seaman on oil tankers to juvenile probation officer to police officer (City of Berkeley, California) to pastor, Dr. Watermulder has served churches in New Jersey and California, and is a sought-after speaker at churches and conferences across the country and overseas. An alumnus of Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey, Paul has served on the boards of many service organizations and seminaries. He is currently on the Board of Directors for Presbyterian Outlook Magazine. Of his work as a policeman he says, “This was the work that made me into a who I was meant to be. Caring for the people on a beat was early training for becoming a pastor to a church, unbeknownst to me! Lots of camaraderie, ample street encounters and the ensuing fights, chases, and arrests. But best of all was making relationships with the other cops and with the people who lived on my beat and for trust to grow in all those relationships.” Paul is married to Genie and together they have four grown children and six grandkids, one of whom is already in the Kingdom.

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