What Is the Spiritual Meaning of Scripture? Howard Becker on Living a Life of Fulfillment

California beach in the sunshine

Calling California home, our guest today, Howard Becker, was raised in a devout family, but found himself adrift in his early twenties. By his mid-twenties, experiences led him to the startling realization something was missing in his life. This moved him to seek answers for what that “something” is, which led him to the Bible and the key to living an abundant, fulfilled life. He cites as his life theme the words of Jesus: “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Read his insightful book, The Spiritual Meaning of Scripture, available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

John I. Snyder
Devotions from Psalms Series: Praising God . . . Regardless

Devotions from Psalms Series: Praising God . . . Regardless

Calling California home, our guest today, Howard Becker, was raised in a devout